
Face the Facts

As I look at the current "crisis" in the Arabian Pennisula and I look at the ignored, prolonged (been decades yall), ongoing travesty taking place in the Sudan and other parts of Central Africa where long standing Judeo-Christian Africans being terrorized and oppressed by Islamic Arabs and Afro-Arabs, it makes me wonder how one crisis could require so much action while the other is merely being observed. Coupled with the popular notions being put forth by death penalty supporting, "bring'em on" war mongering, let the poor get poorer while the rich get richer upper class tax cutting, conservative-christians that keep asking me "what would Jesus do?". I do not think he would be on Wall Street waving the stars and stripes screaming "God Bless the USA".

Let me just start out like this…
Jesus was dark skinned.
And if you deny it, it is out of fear
You can not change his skin color based on a hope and a prayer
A man born in Israel with African roots
Was not born in a European birthday suit
He was black. If I am black with my brown skin
Don’t try to diffuse the point by saying he is the color of all men
Because that is still black, and I respectfully decline to accept the proposition
If I step into a church with a white Jesus there is no reason for me to listen
The preacher might as well be telling me the sun revolves around the earth
You can not build a house of truth, if its foundation is not built upon it first
This is not semantics or a simple misunderstanding that’s being made into a big deal
This is simply an institution indoctrinating people to accept something that is not real

Jesus was dark skinned.
This is important because it means if I am a nigger then so is he
It means that Yoshua could have been hanging next to Emmit Till on the cotton tree
And that would be strange fruit indeed
Those with a guilty conscious would suddenly find it hard to obtain the forgiveness they need
It is important because it would give a whole new perspective to the question of what Jesus died for
As we sit and watch the slaughter of thousands of niggers in the Darfur
Thinking Jesus rose from the grave… to bring salvation to Western Civilization while they allow black Christians to be raped, slaughtered and enslaved

Hannibal Ad Portas!


This is not about rascism, William Wallace, John Adams, John Brown, Beowulf all white people I admire but they were paleskinned. Yoshua, Hannibal, Malcom X, Horus all black people that I admire, but they were darkskinned. Face the facts!


Waiting for the world to change

Taking a moment to think about our suffering and pain
It’s hard to contain the thoughts
The more that I learn
The more that I yearn for something different
See resistance and indifference have been a part of my history for so long
Tempered only by struggle and complacency
So many have dedicated their lives to the aforementioned
Their spirits have passed on but still await our ascension
Still waiting.... for the world to change
Maintaining hope that some will press on against the seemingly insurmountable odds
While many stand along the way and stare
Wondering what is worth this discontent?
Why should I even care?
Wondering why the spilled blood of millions of people of African descent should amount to a stain on my heart
But we are a continuation of that struggle obligated to play the part
And at that, it was clear from the start that when it rains it pours
The difficulties stacked against us are hard to ignore
Could we be naive enough to think that divine principled purpose would triumph over this carnal unprincipled reality?
That our efforts can undo this perpetual state of tragedy
Twenty Six years have past
Now I sing my child liberation lullabies and plan revolutionary reunions
Debating with my inner circle about who’s really down with “the movement”
As we recount the fore bearers of our cause debating the same
Five Hundred, Sixty Six years of collective conscious souls waiting for the world to change

Hannibal Ad Portas!


Slavery II: The Sequel

I wrote these lines and spoke these rhymes into existence
This is my life; I put my heart into this resistance
At the insistence of those who came before me
My life will define the next chapter in my ancestral story
It is no longer enough for our hearts to be in the right place
We are in a fight for the very salvation of our race
The road to perdition has been paved by those with good intentions
Right now, we need those who will take action based on good decisions
Look past the divisions put in place by those without our best interest at heart
These are modern day Willie Lynch philosophies established to keep us apart
Those of African descent are being attacked by the same global machine
Blacks from
St. Louis to Sao Paulo are suffering the same things
It is no longer acceptable to tolerate the status quo and let things be
We need people who will break the chains of mental slavery

We don’t need those who buy the diamonds that support the wars that kill our people so they can bling bling
Trading in our land and our wealth for
America’s material dreams
Abandon ship and leave black neighborhoods to be destroyed
Those who moved to the suburbs and depend on other people to stay employed
Then get annoyed when their old neighborhood in its declining state
Produces children who grow up and increase the crime rate
We’ve seen prison cells become overcrowded with black youth
And what is being done to turn the tide?
This is a crisis for the lower class while the middle is being pacified

Our government says that freedom is this country’s primary vision
While all the time continuing to commercialize the prison system
No longer even waste their time with the idea of rehabilitation
Instead create cheap labor from the increasingly dark skinned prison population
This sensation erasing gains made in race relations
Dating all the way back to the original Slave emancipation
Am I the only one who sees this as a negative impact on our progress instead of a negative consequence of our ascension as social and economic equals?
We are experiencing a civil rights crisis founded on indentured servitude
Call it slavery the sequel….

Hannibal Ad Portas!
