Taking a moment to think about our suffering and pain
It’s hard to contain the thoughts
The more that I learn
The more that I yearn for something different
See resistance and indifference have been a part of my history for so long
Tempered only by struggle and complacency
So many have dedicated their lives to the aforementioned
Their spirits have passed on but still await our ascension
Still waiting.... for the world to change
Maintaining hope that some will press on against the seemingly insurmountable odds
While many stand along the way and stare
Wondering what is worth this discontent?
Why should I even care?
Wondering why the spilled blood of millions of people of African descent should amount to a stain on my heart
But we are a continuation of that struggle obligated to play the part
And at that, it was clear from the start that when it rains it pours
The difficulties stacked against us are hard to ignore
Could we be naive enough to think that divine principled purpose would triumph over this carnal unprincipled reality?
That our efforts can undo this perpetual state of tragedy
Twenty Six years have past
Now I sing my child liberation lullabies and plan revolutionary reunions
Debating with my inner circle about who’s really down with “the movement”
As we recount the fore bearers of our cause debating the same
Five Hundred, Sixty Six years of collective conscious souls waiting for the world to change
Hannibal Ad Portas!
"Now I sing my child liberation lullabies and plan revolutionary reunions"
HOT ASS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking a moment to think about our suffering and pain
It’s hard to contain the thoughts
The more that I learn
The more that I yearn for something different
See resistance and indifference have been a part of my history for so long
Tempered only by struggle and complacency
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